Having trouble with your RX450 ECU?

We have rebuilt Lexus RX450 ECMs in stock
   Call with part #s 800 241 6689 or text 903 216 6456      

On Lexus ECUs we can transfer the security & VIN code for you.
This way you will not have to deal with any reprogramming,
which can be expensive and sometimes problematic.

Everything is part number specific, so use the Lexus part numbers found on your Lexus IS300 ECM and call us for price and availability at 800 241 6689, or  text 903 216 6456.  

Rebuilt Lexus RX450 ECMs

89661 - 48F80
89661 - 48E20
89661 - 48E21

 -  Not all ECMs, ECUs are repairable  -

Some ECMs, ECUs are just not good candidates for repair.
Many control units must be completely replaced, due to the type of failure they have experienced.and yet other ECMs, ECUs are almost always in repairable condition.

Call and let us know what you are working with and we'll advise you accordingly.

We charge $35. for inspection & return of your part
(but only if there is no sale or repair,)

Rebuilt Lexus ECU for RX450, RX450, ECM repair service, RX450 ECU repair, security issues with RX450 ECU, Lexus computer, PCM, EBX, engine control unit, electronic control module, ECU service, Toyota made ECU, Lexus ECU repair service, RX450 computer, immobilizer, re flash security, reflash computer, replacement ECU with no reprogramming.