Having trouble with your GS300 ECU?

We have a variety of rebuilt Lexus GS300 ECMs in stock
         Call us with your part #s 800 241 6689       

On Lexus ECUs we can transfer the security & VIN code for you.
This way you will not have to deal with any reprogramming,
which can be expensive and sometimes problematic.

Everything is part number specific, so use the Lexus part numbers found on your ECM and call us for price and availability at 800 241 6689, or  text 903 216 6456.


Rebuilt Lexus GS300 ECMs
89666 - 30030
89666 - 30070
89666 - 30130
89666 - 30132
89666 - 30133
89666 - 30230
89666 - 30231
89666 - 30352
89666 - 30361
89666 - 30362
89666 - 30363
89661 - 30680
89661 - 30681
89661 - 30690
89661 - 30691
89661 - 3A011
89661 - 3A421
89661 - 3A550
89661 - 3A551
89661 - 3A552
89661 - 3F340